Here’s a great series of professional quality photos from George Cannon School at Midway Island in 1969. They depict teachers with students as well as a class group photo.
Remember the Battle of Midway June 3-7, 1942
Remember the Battle of Midway June 3-7, 1942 – Photo taken at the 70th Anniversary Ceremony for the Battle of Midway at Midway Island.
Midway’s Doomed C-117
Who that were at Midway in the 1970’s remembers the C-117? I used to love that plane but in hindsight it was a doomed aircraft.
It was Midway’s aerial bus and pickup truck, you might say. It was used to haul personnel and supplies to and from Midway via Honolulu between the regular visits of the C-141 Air Force Log Flights. It used to make regular flights to resupply and transfer Coast Guard personnel to and from the even more remote and much smaller Kure Island, the location of a huge Loran tower.
On one particular day I remember taking off from Midway to head to Honolulu for Christmas leave with a full plane, passengers and luggage. We got about 20 minutes out from Midway when all of sudden the port side of the aircraft was smeared with oil and then soon after the engine was shut down.
For those who know this aircraft they will realize that there are only two engines, and with one not operating, and a full load, we weren’t going to make it to Honolulu.
The plane took a sharp about face and headed back to the island. My roommate was the flight engineer and as he walked past me, from the cockpit to the rear of the aircraft, I could see the look of worry in his eyes. He was preparing for a water landing. Fortunately we made it back but in conversation afterward with my roommate it was clear that if we had been much further away from the island we would have had to ditch the plane.
When the island was phased down in 1978 the aircraft was sent to Guam. Not long afterward the aircraft was ditched in the ocean and two people were killed. This article explains a few of the details of that terrible day.
Today this aircraft sits at the bottom of the ocean.

Midway Island Hobby Shop 1960’s
Midway friend Bill Langletz Jr. shared these excellent photos of the Midway Island Hobby Shop at Special Services in the 1960’s. These photos were taken by Bill’s father, ADCS Bill Langlitz.
Midway Island Hobby Shop Midway Island Hobby Shop Bill and his father ADCS Bill Langlitz at Midway.
Midway from The Air
Here’s a beautiful photo of ourpressious island from a flight as it approached before landing for the 65th anniversary ceremony commemorating the Battle of Midway.
You can order a print of this photo by following this link. CLICK HERE.
Or by clicking on the photo below.
The Battle of Midway 2018
It was 76 years ago today that the Japanese attacked Midway Island in the beginning of what will be known as the Battle of Midway, decidedly the most decisive battle of World War II, turning the tide of the Pacific war. The battle effectively disabled the ability of the Japanese Navy to attack the west coast. This allowed the US military to concentrate more resources toward the European theater.
Please remember history. Please remember those who fought and died to win the battles that assured victory of the allied forces during World War II today.
These are photos from the 70th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony at Midway Island in 2012.
Welcome to Magic of Midway
Welcome to Magic of Midway.
A short video about Midway Island by volunteer Katerina Paleckova who graciously volunteered her time for the annual bird count.
Fire in The Midway Chow Hall
Fire in The Midway Chow Hall – As I was looking through old paper files I came across this letter. It’s a letter of appreciation and a “Well done” from the Supply Officer for helping to keep everyone at Midway fed that day, especially since, as is noted in the letter, the Kornerstone Kafe was closed. Remember the Kornerstone Kafe? Continue reading “Fire in The Midway Chow Hall”
Merry Midway Island Christmas
Merry Midway Island Christmas from Continue reading “Merry Midway Island Christmas”
Morning Arrival Henderson Airfield, Midway Island
An early morning arrival at Henderson Airfield at Midway Island on June 4th, 2012. The 70th Anniversary Commemoration at Midway Island. Continue reading “Morning Arrival Henderson Airfield, Midway Island”